Medicare Supplemental Insurance

As you near the age of 65, it’s important to begin considering the idea of Medicare Supplement Insurance. While there’s a lot of information out there, it’s always helpful to speak with an experienced insurance agent to help you decide which option is right for you.

Why Bother With Medicare Supplement Insurance?

It’s just a fact that there are plenty of medical services that aren’t covered by Medicare. If you ever need these services, it can create a financial hardship for you and your family. This is where Medicare Supplement Insurance helps.

Medicare Supplement Insurance Covers Your Coverage Gaps

Getting older is never easy. That’s why it is important to plan carefully for your situation. Medical needs like home health care, assisted living expenses, etc. can be necessary, but Medicare doesn’t cover these services.

The Health Insurance Doctor provides a free consultation to help you decide if any of these issues may exist in your future. We’ll help you identify viable options and look at ways to reduce your liabilities in the event you or your family needs the medical services Medicare won’t cover.

Free Medicare Consultation

We get to know you in order to help determine what insurance products make the most sense to you. That’s why we ask detailed, probing questions in order to discover possible gaps in your coverage. Some of the topics we typically cover include your past experiences, your current situation, your concerns, and more.

The Disappearing Insurance Agent

Far too often, once your insurance policies are in place, your insurance agent disappears completely. That’s not what happens with the Health Insurance Doctor. We regularly check up on you to ensure you’re getting the benefits you deserve. We’re experts on Medicare Supplement Insurance, and we’re not going away. Call us for a free house call today!

Confused By Your Insurance?

These days, far too many people are discovering what their coverage includes when it's too late. Don't wait to discover where your insurance gaps are. Let us help you become more knowledgeable about the insurance that you have and the coverage that you need. 

Why Us?

As an independent insurance broker, we’re not stuck selling insurance products from one company at one price. We have the ability to shop around to find the right policy, the right price with the right coverage for you.

A Decade of Trusted Care

For more than 10 years now, we've helped people just like you wade through the confusion to make informed decisions about your insurance coverage. Let us help you. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to help you find insurance coverage you can afford to use.

Insurance used to be simple. You pay your premiums, use your coverage when needed, and had reasonable deductibles.  Today, the insurance market seems like a jumbled mess to the consumer. Find out what you're paying for. Call us today.


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